EMCC: Upgrade from 13.3 to 13.4

This note is about upgrading a multi-OMS system from 13.3 and 13.4. This may look straightforward at 10.000 feet, but they are slight changes in the TLS setup that may turn the upgrade highly difficult if not well prepared or tested upfront , especially in a multi-OMS configuration with as load balancer in front.


#1 With the OMS still running EMCC 13,3, remove the following plugins as they are not upgradable

Oracle E-Business Suite(oracle.apps.ebs)
Oracle Jdedwards EnterpriseOne(oracle.apps.jded)
Oracle Big Data Discovery(oracle.bdm.obdm)
Oracle Communications(oracle.cgbu.ocom)
Oracle Construction and Engineering(oracle.cnstreng.ocea)
Oracle Construction and Engineering(oracle.cnstreng.ocem)
Oracle Tuxedo(oracle.fmw.txdo)
Public Sector Revenue Management Application(oracle.tugbu.otax)
Microsoft .Net Framework (oracle.em.smdn)


#2 Download the available plugins files available at https://www.oracle.com/enterprise-manager/downloads/oem-v134-update-plugins-downloads.html and stage them on a temporary location (/mnt/staging/software/emcc/opar in the example below), accessible from both OMS.


#3 Make a backup of all OMS VMs and create a database restore point


#4 Lunch the installer on the first VM. Checkout this note for installer issues.

./em13400_linux64.bin -J-Djava.io.tmpdir=/mnt/patches/tmp PLUGIN_LOCATION=/mnt/staging/software/emcc/opar


#5 Lunch the installer on the second VM using the same syntax


#6 If the SLB is OTD, install the patch 29340480 ( SPU FOR CPU APR2019) to support EMCC13.4 ciphers


#7 Upgrade the agent from 13.3 to 13.4, using the EM COnsole


#8 Install the latest OMSPSU Patch, for example 31146297 for


#9 Check the configuration of the EM Console Service. If down, check this note.


#10 Upgrade the JVMD agents from the console.


#11 Make sure all targets are up.